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The CTC 200/400

The CTC products provide standardized two-way communications between cab and trailer. These modules function under the SAE J-2497 “PLC4TRUCKS” Power Line Carrier using the Center Pin Wire J-560 Connector between cab and trailer.


From the safety and comfort of the cab the operator has complete monitoring and control of:

  • Trailer ABS in dash fault light using “PLC4TRUCKS” protocol
  • Lift Axle function control and status
  • Trailer reverse lights and alarm (Also can be used for self steer lift & lock)
  • Trailer air brake tank reservoir pressure monitoring
  • Suspension slider control with in-cab indicator showing locked and unlocked position (CTC 400 only)
  • Auxiliary (Pid) for special fleet applications (CTC 400 only)

How it works

Cab to Trailer Communication

The CTC products use PLC4TRUCKS which stands for Power Line Carrier. Communication is done using the existing power wire on the J-560 connector used for electrical connections. Using the SAE J-2497 protocol, the CTC can transmit information back and forth between the cab and trailer. This includes lift axle control and status messages, ABS warning lights, reverse lights, and many more. The CTC 200 and 400 differ in the number of inputs and outputs they provide.

Inputs and Outputs

The CTC system requires a module on both the cab and the trailer. Each module has inputs and outputs that match the applications of the cab or the trailer. For more details, download the CTC manuals.


CTC200/400 Kits

Please contact Wheel Monitor Inc. for CTC ordering options